The Cursed Canoe #SampleSunday

It’s not like me to wish someone ill. I try to get along with everyone, not always an easy task for a new department chair. But seeing the good in the officious and incurious Kathy Banks, my liaison in Mahina State’s Student Retention Office, is beyond my ability.
from The Cursed Canoe #SampleSunday

Whiskers in the Dark: A Mrs. Murphy #MidweekMystery by Rita Mae Brown. Yes, THE Rita Mae Brown.

Death stalks the Blue Ridge Mountains as a centuries-old mystery resurfaces and murder mars the lead-up to an annual beagle competition, in a thrilling new tale from Rita Mae Brown and her feline co-author Sneaky Pie Brown.
from Whiskers in the Dark: A Mrs. Murphy #MidweekMystery by Rita Mae Brown. Yes, THE Rita Mae Brown.

The Musubi Murder #SampleSunday

“So, Moana, what’s it like to work for The Most Hated Man in Hawaii?” “We don’t call him that,” she giggled and lowered her voice. “Not to his face, anyway.”
from The Musubi Murder #SampleSunday

The Lost Weekend #SampleSunday

Mary-Alice and the Sinful Ladies have to find out what Mary-Alice's cousin Celia Arceneaux is hiding, and find it fast...or Mary-Alice will pay with her freedom.
from The Lost Weekend #SampleSunday

The Pajama Murder #SampleSunday

Local businessman Buford Fontleroy Deale III is found shot dead in front of Harriet's Books in downtown Sinful. A blood-soaked pajama top is tied around his chest. And he's wearing only one shoe.
from The Pajama Murder #SampleSunday